Monday, December 3, 2012

Corrupt Power in Animal Farm

One important lesson or theme in Animal Farm is the corruption of power.  This plays a big part in the book because it shows that with too much power, people can become corrupt. Corruption of power happens when the pigs become almost the very thing they sought out to destroy, humans. Animal Farm is a little like the poem Julius Caesar because of this corruption of power.
Photo by: deKenter

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

What I'm Thankful For

There are many things that I am thankful for. One thing that I am thankful for is my family. My family allows me to go to a good, Christian school where they pay lots of money for my education. Another thing that I am thankful for is that God gave me the ability to play sports and do well in school. Last but not least, I am thankful for our soldiers over seas that allow us to live out our lives in this country.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Characters for Julius Caesar

There are four characters from the play Julius Caesar to choose actors for. Those characters are Julius Caesar, Cassius,  Brutus, and Antony. I would choose Chuck Norris to be Brutus because of his age and wisdom. Cassius would be Crispin Glover because he gives off a hungry look as Cassius himself did. Sylvester Stallone would be given the role of Antony because he avenges people in a lot of his movies. Julius Caesar would be played by none other than Clint Eastwood. 

Chuck Norris
Sylvester Stallone
Crispin Glover
Clint Eastwood

Friday, November 9, 2012

Ancient Roman Culture

I did a project on Ancient Roman Culture. I learned about their politics, social, and religious life. The thing i used to present my project was a tri-fold board. I also learned how to present this type of project by using good visual aids. This project was fun to present and even better to make.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What Deserves Our Fear?

What deserves our fear? People are normally afraid of things that look abnormal or animals that are bigger than us. My fears are spiders, sharks, and heights. I would think these fears to be rational because all of them can easily harm you. The only one you can really get before it gets you is a spider. I think that whatever makes you scared is what deserves our fear.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


There is one person that has encouraged me. He has and will encourage me throughout my whole life. He is my PaPa. He encouraged me through sports as a young child by giving me a dollar or maybe more for every hit, touchdown, out, or basket I scored.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Prezi Makes "The Giver"

This first week of school was mostly about our reading we did over the summer. Brock, Zac, and I were the only people in our class to read The Giver so that was why we were put in the same group. Our group was assigned to use Prezi as our presentation tool. One thing that I learned from this project is the meaning of theme. I always thought that the theme was just the main idea of the story, but it's actually the message about the main idea that the author is pointing out. All in all I feel that we did a great job with the project.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Freshman Ambitions for Success

For my freshman year of high school, I have three goals I want to achieve. One of these goals is an academic goal. My academic goal for the year is to get all A's in every class and to learn as much as I can. The second of these three goals is a social goal. This social goal is to try and talk to some people I haven't gotten to know yet. My third and final goal is to be able to increase my relationship with God greatly. I hope to have also memorized some bible quotes that I can use for the rest of my life.
Photo by Mighty Fine Cakes