Friday, May 10, 2013

Freshman Year Comes To an End

During the final stretch of my freshman year in high school I've decided to reflect on what happened. My best  memory would have to be the freshman rock climbing trip we went on. It was a lot of fun. What I liked most about it was the friendships that grew along with the experience. Next, the most important thing that I've learned this year is to be responsible for yourself because nothing is handed to you in life. Finally, some advice to next year's freshmen. First, study, study, and study. Second, you should take advantage of the time that you have free to work on projects or homework instead of procrastinating. Lastly, don't be afraid to make new friends.
Photo by: scui3asteveo

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Still enslaved

If I've learned one thing from reading The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman it's that life after freedom for blacks after the Civil War wasn't that much better than slavery before the war. At least in slavery you were protected by your master, but now you had no one to protect you. It was sudden death for any former slave who met a patroller or a member of the KKK. If they continued to work for the mean whites, then they only got paid little to nothing.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Stereotypes Aren't Always Right

One stereotype that is said about most of the slave-owners in the United States around the time of the Civil War was that they were all cruel to their slaves. That is not true. As a matter of fact there is a passage from The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman that states there is a white lady with slaves traveling south. Jane tries to tell them to get moving and that its better in the north. However, these slaves were loyal to the white lady and said she knew what was best and they were sticking with her. This gives reason to believe not all stereotypes are true.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

You Should Watch Nashville

One of my favorite TV shows is Nashville. There are three reasons why I like it and think you should watch it.  I like it because the plot is very interesting with a lot of twists. Another reason that you should watch Nashville is because it is filmed right here in Nashville, where I live. Lastly, I like it because there are very good actors and actresses.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Corrupt Power in Animal Farm

One important lesson or theme in Animal Farm is the corruption of power.  This plays a big part in the book because it shows that with too much power, people can become corrupt. Corruption of power happens when the pigs become almost the very thing they sought out to destroy, humans. Animal Farm is a little like the poem Julius Caesar because of this corruption of power.
Photo by: deKenter

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

What I'm Thankful For

There are many things that I am thankful for. One thing that I am thankful for is my family. My family allows me to go to a good, Christian school where they pay lots of money for my education. Another thing that I am thankful for is that God gave me the ability to play sports and do well in school. Last but not least, I am thankful for our soldiers over seas that allow us to live out our lives in this country.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Characters for Julius Caesar

There are four characters from the play Julius Caesar to choose actors for. Those characters are Julius Caesar, Cassius,  Brutus, and Antony. I would choose Chuck Norris to be Brutus because of his age and wisdom. Cassius would be Crispin Glover because he gives off a hungry look as Cassius himself did. Sylvester Stallone would be given the role of Antony because he avenges people in a lot of his movies. Julius Caesar would be played by none other than Clint Eastwood. 

Chuck Norris
Sylvester Stallone
Crispin Glover
Clint Eastwood